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What is Project Cornerstone?

Project Cornerstone is a district-wide program focused on supporting the healthy development of our children by making every effort at home, school and in the community to ensure that our children have the necessary building blocks to become successful, caring and responsible. Project Cornerstone promotes the building of the 41 Developmental Assets children need to thrive.

Project Cornerstone Logo of a person helping another person up a flight of stairs

Interested in being an Asset Building Champions (ABC) Volunteer?

Argonaut is currently seeking volunteers to help coordinate Project Cornerstone. We have an opportunity to take advantage of the programs they offer. 

ABC Volunteers read stories and lead discussions in the school classroom that are designed to increase the number of developmental assets in all students and adults. The stories and activities focus on issues like student-to-student respect, how to avoid bullies, and what to do if a bully is victimizing others.

Students also learn about values such as honesty, caring, responsibility, and friendship. By sharing these concepts in class, volunteers help create a common language and vocabulary about student respect for the entire school. Each month, ABC volunteers meet as a group to review the book and lesson plan for the upcoming month. Then, the volunteers read the book and lead the planned activity and discussions in their assigned classroom.

Responsibilities of ABC volunteers include:

1. Attend a monthly preparation meeting.

2. Each month, read a selected book in your assigned classroom, lead the students in a discussion, and complete an activity based on the provided lesson plan.

All ABC volunteers may also complete either a Taking Asset Building Personally (TABP) or an Assets 101 training course.

41 Assets that Elementary Age Kids Need to Succeed

Questions or want to volunteer? Please contact  Amy Roper, Argonaut School Lead Volunteer.